James Smale
Games Programmer
Isolation Protocol
A Roguelike created in Unity using C# as part of the my Final Major Project at University
Isolation Protocol is a roguelike game that I developed with two other students, including one other programmer and a designer/producer.
For this project, we were given total creative freedom to produce whatever game we wanted - so long as we were able to create a working proof of concept that we would regularly demo to our lecturers in weekly review sessions. We settled on using the Unity engine for this project as it was something the three of us had experience in, and it also provided us with a multitude of useful tools for 2D game development.
This game itself was inspired by an earlier project I worked on, Labyrinth Sprinter, as well as games such as Enter the Gungeon in terms of gameplay and Dead Space in terms of narrative.
This project earned a grade of 76% overall, equating to a First.
Play the game here!